The latest 'Tory budgeting trick' is an absolute corker

2022-06-15 18:58:27 By : Ms. lily zhang

‘Tory budgeting tips’ was trending on social media yesterday after a minister told hard-up Brits to consider taking on more hours at work or moving to a better-paid job.

Rachel Maclean told Sky News: “I think what we need to focus on now is over the long-term.

“We do have these short-term pressures on us that we’re all aware of.

“But over the long-term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better, whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better-paid job.

“These are long-term actions but that is what we are focused on as a Government.”

As tin-eared as the comments might seem, it appears Maclean might have been outdone after Tory MP Jackie Doyle-Price suggested people could “incentivise granny annexes” to save money.

Speaking in the Queen’s Speech debate on making Britain the best place to grow up and grow old, the former minister said the government should be “encouraging people to make better use of their housing asset for the whole of their family”.

She told MPs: “We can incentivise granny annexes, we can make sure that young people have got some hope by having greater access to the wealth in their parents’ home.

“And I tell you, if we can do that, we will actually save money in the health service because unnecessary hospital stays are much more expensive than dealing with the little inheritance tax problem, which might unlock some investment.”

And todays special Tory advice is to incentivise my granny annex… when I live in a flat! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Cost of living: Conservative MP says people could 'incentivise granny annexes' to save money

Top Tory Tip: if you don’t have space for a granny annex, consider converting your bathroom into another bedroom that you can rent out to a pleb. You can crap out of the kitchen window, like patriotic Brits used to do back in the 16th century when Grate Britain ruled the globe.

Woke up and decided to move to Rachel Maclean’s granny annex and work 180 hours a week preparing her expenses claims for an additional £1.58/ hour. I may be able to afford a raw pasta lunch soon!

A solution for all poor people. Check to see if you have a granny annex and rent it out. Genius. 🤡🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ #CostOfLivingCrisis #ToryBudgetingTips

Don’t worry all, we can all save money by turning the cupboard in our 1 bed flats into a luxurious Granny annex that our elderly relatives can live in or even feed off our apparently wealthy parents

Oh great! Can they build a granny annex on the fourth floor of a high rise council flat?

Might be going out on a limb here..but I’m fairly confident those with a granny annex are on the most part not in the 22% currently living under the poverty line although I realise buying Hendricks gin rather than Noblets is a huge sacrifice 😂

Related: WATCH: Trans activist calls Piers Morgan ‘a c*** and a fascist’ – live on-air!

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